Friday, May 30, 2008

Ixnay on the Owerflay

I've decided to nix the flower in my Project Blended logo. It's pretty, and it will always hold a special place in my heart as the first decent thing I was able to make in Illustrator. But it doesn't really say anything about the project - if anything, I look at it and think "Hawaii."

So I'm experimenting with different ideas for the logo. Right now I'm keen on circles. I was thinking of doing three circles coming together to make different colors - like when you see explanations of the RGB color model, and the three red, green, and blue circles overlap to make cyan, yellow, magenta, and white.

But it doesn't look so hot when you substitute various shades of brown, since I've decided to use a skin-toned color palette. So I came up with these five rings, which I like. For now.

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